Monday 27 January 2020

January: Your month in review

So January is wrapping up this week - how does that make you feel?

Some of you my be jumping for joy because you’ve nailed all your goal and manifested all your new year intentions, and some of you may be feeling pretty fed up and miserable, this month felt hard, you did achieve what you wanted and you’re feeling a bit deflated about it all!

I’m guessing though that most of you may sit somewhere in the middle right? Some things have been great and other things not so much but wherever you are this post is going to help you move forward by reflecting, revising and releasing. I’ve created for you a handy little worksheet to use that will make it all feel much easier too, plus it’s designed so you can use it month after month after month!

You click here to download the monthly review worksheet, ideally you should print this off and use for best results but you can write out the review prompts and your answers in a note book instead.

Ok, lets get started...

First of all write out the month and year followed by your best bit and your biggest challenge - now there’s just a small space here because we’re not going into too much detail with this yet, just use a  few keys words to describe it.

Now we’re going to move onto the review exercise:

What went well this month and why?
Here is your chance to write all the things that felt good, goals that you’ve achieved or special moments that were positive for you. If you’re struggling with this think micro, even the smallest of things like getting an early night, saving some money, catching up with a good friend or watching your favourite TV show.

What didn’t go so well and why?
So now were going to write out the opposites and if this is the section you struggle with again think small, maybe you forgot a birthday or you missed out on bargain, you chipped your nail or had a hangover, it’s your review so you can write what ever feels appropriate for you.

Feelings and/or emotions I want to carry into the next month...
This section is all about how you want to feel so first of all think back to the things that went well and felt good, what were the emotions you experienced? If you want to carry them into next month write them down here. And if you didn’t feel a certain emotion but want to moving forward then write that one down here too. This can be one or as many as you’d like.

What I am ready to release and let go...
Ok now its time to do the opposite again to the section above, thinking back to the things that didn’t go well what emotions came up for you here? Write them down and if there’s anything you’re hoping to avoid even if you didn’t experience it this month pop it down here too.

What I want to learn or discover more of...
Now with this section what you need to remember is this all about your personal passions so if you’re interested in learning more about crystals or tennis or how to ride a motorbike pop it here. Also if you have a desire to find out more about your town or visit a new pub in your neighbourhood, or find out about a local book club then put it here too. It can also include a belief, thought or opinion you want explore more of, this is the section to write out all that makes you curious and want to dive much deeper into.

My goals for next month...
So this is where you get practical, list out your goals and a few actions you will take to achieve them or take a step towards them. Listing the actionable steps is important too because goals without a plan is just a wish-list. And although you don’t have to cap how many goals you with down here do consider what’s realistic right now, you may decided one big goal is something you’re more likely to achieve and focus on rather than 5-10 smaller goals.

This months Gratitude List
This last section is by no means the least, practicing gratitude has the most powerful effect on us all. It can generate a feeling of joy and faith, help manifest something that’s important and develop and attitude or kindness, compassion and acceptance towards others.

Now that you’re done keep your review handy or close by, you could pop it in your diary, or stash in your bedside table or kitchen draw, anywhere that you can easily come back to throughout the next month and revise what you wrote as this will help you to stay aligned to what you want and need from this present month.

If you want to use the monthly review worksheet you can download it here and don’t forget to let me know how you get on. You can email me at or find me over on Instagram.


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